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subota, 10.03.2007.


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Kao jedan od prvih bendova koji su istinski definirali heavy metal, Black Sabbath se s pravom smatraju djedom tog muzičkog pravca. Sa svojim mračnim kompozicijama koje su zvučale kao da izviru iz samog pakla, Sabbath je uspio dignuti na noge kritičare i roditelje dok je u isto vrijeme nadahnuo cijelu generaciju muzičara sa svojim teškim rock gitarama i primjesom bluesa. Članovi Black Sabbatha odrasli su u istoj četvrti radničkog grada Astona kod Birminghama u Engleskoj, no njihovi odnosi u djetinjstvu su bili sve samo ne prijateljski. Mladog Johna Osbournea, poznatijeg pod imenom Ozzy Osbourne, često je terorizirao lokalni nasilnik Tony Iommi, dok je Terrance "Geezer" Butler bio društveni otpadnik s iznimnim interesom za crnu magiju i kultove.
Odrastajući, razvili su zajedničku ljubav prema glazbi. U početku su svirali u rivalskim bendovima no nakon njihovog brzog raspada uskoro su počeli, zajedno s bubnjarem Bill Wardom, svirati zajedno. 1967.godine osnovali su Polka Tulk s Osbourneom kao glavnim vokalom, Iommiem na gitari, Butlerom na basu, Wardom na bubnjevima, Jimmy Phillipsom na ritam gitari i saksofonistom Ackerom. Phillips i Acker su ubrzo izbačeni iz benda, a preostali kvartet se preimenovao u Earth Blues Company, skrativši nedugo potom ime u Earth. Svirajući žešći blues rock po nekolicini lokalnih klubova uspjeli su pridobiti malu skupinu obožavatelja. Dvije godine kasnije,1969., Iommi napušta Earth kako bi svirao s Jethro Tullom, no samo nekoliko mjeseci kasnije vraća se u svoj stari bend s potpuno novom zamisli. Zaintrigiran popularnošću horor filmova, točnije fenomenom da ljudi plaćaju kako bi bili prestrašeni, Iommi je odlučio pokušati stvoriti zastrašujuću muziku. Gonjeni Butlerovim interesom za crnu magiju, bend je sastavio nekoliko mračnih pjesama, među kojima su bile Wicked World i Black Sabbath, a odmah potom su se preimenovali prema filmu Borisa Karloffa iz 1935. u Black Sabbath. Čudnim preokretom sudbine, događaj koji je skoro upropastio obećavajuću karijeru benda znatno je pridonio njegovom jedinstvenom zvuku.
Prije snimanja svog prvog albuma naslovljenog "Black Sabbath" 1970. godine, Iommi je ostao bez vrhova prstiju desne šake nakon nezgode u tvornici u kojoj je radio. Shvativši da je prebolno svirati tako gitaru, Iommi je napravio malene plastične kalupe i pričvrstio ih na osakaćene prste. Uz to je morao i naštimati gitaru na niže tonove kako bi žice bile labavije i zbog toga lakše za trzati. Rezultat svega je bio dubok, težak zvuk koji je zajedno s njegovim bluzerskim riffovima savršeno opisivao atmosferu koju su stvarale riječi pjesama. Većinu tih riječi napisao je Butler usredotočivši se prvenstveno na teme poput prirode zla, sotone, čarobnjaštva i rata. Black Sabbath je izdan 1970. godine i debitirao je na britanskim ljestvicama na ironičnom 13. mjestu. Samo godinu dana kasnije izdan je njegov sljedbenik pod nazivom Paranoid. Neobična kombinacija Osbourneovog zavijajućeg vokala, Iommieve gitare, Butlerovog teškog basa i Wardovog psihotičnog bubnjanja odvela je album do velikog komercijalnog uspjeha zahvaljujući pogotovo klasičnim heavy metal hitovima poput Black Sabbath, War Pigs i Iron Man, no njihovi sotonistički stihovi navukli su gnjev raznih konzervativnih organizacija kao i većine roditelja. Iako su skoro svi članovi grupe bili katolici, Crkva Sotone prihvatila je Sabbathovu muziku pa su i oni sami bili smatrani sotonistima. Njihov raskalašen način života, koji je prvenstveno uključivao uživanje u alkoholu i drogama, samo je pomogao u stvaranju negativne slike benda koji je polagano postajao najgora noćna mora milijuna roditelja diljem svijeta. Kasnije te godine izdali su album Master Of Reality, još jedan uspješan proizvod s kojeg se isticala himna posvećena marihuani pod nazivom Sweet Leaf, kao i hitovi Into The Void i Children Of The Grave.

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Posrtanje pred svakojakim porocima imalo je utjecaja na njihovu glazbu. Vol. 4 koji je izdan 1972. godine, bio je najslabiji album dotad s nekoliko uspješnih skladbi, ali i dosta potpunih promašaja. U pjesmama više nisu veličali prednosti kanabisa već su prešli na opisivanje kokainskog ludila (Snowblind) koje je polako preuzimalo sve članove Sabbatha. Suočeni s rastućim tenzijama unutar benda i problemima s menadžerima, Osbourne, Iommi, Butler i Ward vratili su se 1973. na ljestvice s vrlo dobrim petim albumom, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath koji je bio njihovo zadnje uspješno djelo. Sabotage (1975.) je samo poslužio kao najava propadanja Sabbathove inovativnosti, dok je Technical Ecstasy (1976.) bio neuspješan izlet u vode elektronike i sinitisajzera. Međusobne napetosti obilježile su stvaranje njihovog osmog albuma kad su privatni problemi postali važniji od pisanja pjesama. Godinu dana nakon Technical Ecstasy Ozzy napušta bend i na njegovo mjesto dolazi bivši pjevač Savoy Browna, Dave Walker, no samo na kratko. Ozzy se vraća 1978. kako bi snimio Never Say Die!, ali naredne godine zauvijek napušta Sabbath kako bi započeo uspješnu solo karijeru. Budućnost Black Sabbatha nije bila tako svijetla. Unajmivši bivšeg glavnog vokala Rainbowa, Ronnie James Dio, bend je napravio obećavajući povratak s Heaven And Hell albumom (1980.), no nakon što se Dio oprostio s bendom dvije godine kasnije njegovo mjesto su preuzimali brojni pjevači poput Ian Gillana (Deep Purple, Glen Hughesa i Tony Martina. S izlaskom albuma Seventh Star (1986.), Butler i Bill Ward su napustili Black Sabbath dok je Iommi, kao jedini preostali član originalne postave, nastavio izdavati albume sve do sredine 90-tih. Osbourne, Iommi i Butler našli su se 1997. ponovno zajedno na pozornici na Ozzyjevoj Ozzfest turneji s bubnjarem Faith No Morea, Mike Brodinom koji je popunio Wardovo mjesto. U prosincu 1997., Ward se vratio za bubnjeve na koncertu održanom u njihovom rodnom gradu Birminghamu, što je bilo prvo okupljanje originalne postave u zadnjih 20 godina. Godinu dana kasnije izašao je Reunion, live album snimljen prilikom tog koncerta nakon čega je stara četvorka odradila turneju po cijelome svijetu.

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Audimax of the "Freie Universität", Berlin, Germany June 26th 1970

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1. Paranoid (3:08)
2. Iron Man (5:57)
3. Black Sabbath (incl. extra verse) (10:59)
4. War Pigs (7:43)
5. Hand Of Doom/Rat Salad (8:45)
6. N.I.B. (5:43)

Black Sabbath

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Released: February 13, 1970 - A Friday, no less!

1. Black Sabbath (6:16)
2. The Wizard (4:18)
3. Wasp, Behind the Wall of Sleep, Basically, N.I.B. (10:40)
4. Wicked World (4:42) / Evil Woman (3:22)
5. A Bit of Finger, Sleeping Village, Warning (14:20)


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Released: September 18, 1970

1 War pigs / Luke's Wall (7:55)
2 Paranoid (2:47)
3 Planet Caravan (4:26)
4 Iron Man (5:47)
5 Electric Funeral (4:48)
6 Hand of Doom (7:07)
7 Rat Salad (2:28)
8 Fairies Wear Boots/Jack the Stripper (6:13)

Master of Reality

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Released: July, 1971

1 Sweet Leaf (5:02)
2 After Forever(including The Elegy) (5:25)
3 Embryo (0:28)
4 Children of the Grave (5:15)
5 Orchid (1:30)
6 Lord of this World (5:24)
7 Solitude (5:02)
8 Into the Void (6:07)

Vol 4

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Released: September, 1972

1 Wheels of Confusion (8:00)
The Straightener
2 Tomorrow's Dream (3:08)
3 Changes (4:41)
4 FX (1:41)
5 Supernaut (4:43)
6 Snowblind (5:28)
7 Cornucopia (3:50)
8 Laguna Sunrise (2:50)
9 St. Vitus' Dance (2:25)
10 Under the Sun (5:52)
Every Day Comes and Goes

Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

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Released: December, 1973

1 Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (5:42)
2 A National Acrobat (6:16)
3 Fluff (4:10)
4 Sabbra Cadabra (5:55)
5 Killing Yourself to Live (5:40)
6 Who Are You? (4:10)
7 Looking for Today (4:59)
8 Spiral Architect (5:29)


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Released: September, 1975

1 Hole in the Sky (4:00)
2 Don't Start (Too Late) (0:49)
3 Symptom of the Universe (6:29)
4 Megalomania (9:43)
5 Thrill of it All (5:55)
6 Supertzar (3:42)
7 Am I Going Insane (Radio) (4:15)
8 The Writ (8:43)
Blow on a Jug

Technical Ecstasy

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Released: November, 1976

1 Back Street Kids (3:46)
2 You Won't Change Me (6:34)
3 It's Alright (3:58)
4 Gypsy (5:10)
5 All Moving Parts (Stand Still) (4:59)
6 Rock 'N' Roll Doctor (3:25)
7 She's Gone (4:51)
8 Dirty Women (7:15)

Never Say Die!

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Released: October, 1978 - Last LP with Ozzy

1 Never Say Die (3:47)
2 Johnny Blade (6:27)
3 Junior's Eyes (6:41)
4 Hard Road (6:03)
5 Shock Wave (5:13)
6 Air Dance (5:15)
7 Over to You (5:21)
8 Breakout (2:36)
9 Swinging the Chain (4:18)

Live at Last

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Released: Released: 1980

1. Tomorrow's Dream (3:10)
2. Sweet Leaf (5:27)
3. Killing Yourself To Live (5:28)
4. Cornucopia (3:57)
5. Snowblind (4:47)
6. Children of the Grave (4:31) [Intro. is Embryo]
7. War Pigs (7:37)
8. Wicked World (18:44) [A medley with parts of Into the Void and Supernaut]
9. Paranoid (3:23)

Heaven And Hell

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Released: April, 1980

1 Neon Knights (3:49)
2 Children of the Sea (5:30)
3 Lady Evil (4:22)
4 Heaven And Hell (6:56)
5 Wishing Well (4:02)
6 Die Young (4:41)
7 Walk Away (4:21)
8 Lonely is the Word (5:49)

Mob Rules

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Released: October, 1981

1 Turn up the Night (3:42)
2 Voodoo (4:32)
3 The Sign of the Southern Cross (7:46)
4 E5150 (2:54)
5 The Mob Rules (3:14)
6 Country Girl (4:02)
7 Slipping Away (3:45)
8 Falling off the Edge of the World (5:02)
9 Over and Over (5:28)

Live Evil

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Released: December 1982
Recorded Live at The Record Planet Mobile, Dallas (5/12/82), San Antonio (5/13/82) and Seattle (4/23/82)

1. E5150 (2:21)
2. Neon Knights (4:36)
3. N.I.B. (5:09)
4. Children Of The Sea (6:08)
5. Voodoo (6:07)
6. Black Sabbath (8:39)
7. War Pigs (9:19)
8. Iron Man (7:30)
9. The Mob Rules (4:10)
10. Heaven And Hell (12:04)
11. The Sign Of The Southern Cross/
Heaven And Hell (continued) (7:15)
12. Paranoid (3:46)
13. Children Of The Grave (5:25)
14. Fluff (1:00)

Born Again

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Released: August, 1983

1. Trashed (4:10)
2. Stonehenge (1:57)
3. Disturbing the Priest (5:48)
4. The Dark (0:31)
5. Zero the Hero (7:45)
6. Digital Bitch (3:35)
7. Born Again (6:30)
8. Hot Line (4:50)
9. Keep it Warm (5:34)

Seventh Star

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Released: February, 1986

1.In For The Kill (3:41)
2. No Stranger To Love (4:29)
3. Turn To Stone (3:29)
4. Sphinx (The Guardian) (1:10)
5. Seventh Star (5:21)
6. Danger Zone (4:25)
7. Heart Like A Wheel (4:25)
8. Angry Heart (3:06)
9. In Memory ... (2:34)

The Eternal Idol

Released: November, 1987

The Shining (5:58)
Ancient Warrior (5:35)
Hard Life to Love (5:00)
Glory Ride (4:48)
Born to Lose (3:43)
Nightmare (5:17)
Scarlet Pimpernel (2:07)
Lost Forever (4:00)
Eternal Idol (6:35)

Cloak And Dagger

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Released: 1989

available on the "Headless Cross" 7" single, 12" maxi and maxi-CD as b-side track and also as special bonus track on the "Headless Cross" picture-LP and "Death Called '89" bootleg-CD!


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Released: April 24, 1990

1.Anno Mundi (6:12)
2. The Law Maker (3:53)
3. Jerusalem (3:59)
4. The Sabbath Stones (6:46)
5. The Battle Of Tyr (1:08)
6. Odin's Court (2:42)
7. Valhalla (4:41)
8. Feels Good To Me (5:44)
9. Heaven In Black (4:05)


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Released: June 22, 1992

1. Computer God (6:10)
2. After All (The Dead) (5:37)
3. TV Crimes (3:58)
4. Letters From Earth (4:12)
5. Master Of Insanity (5:54)
6. Time Machine (4:10)
7. Sins Of The Father (4:43)
8. Too Late (6:54)
9. I (5:10)
10.Buried Alive (4:47)
11.Time Machine (Wayne's World version) - On US CD version and German "TV Crimes" Maxi/Maxi-CD only (4:18)
12. Letters From Earth (alternative version) (4:41) - "TV Crimes" single

Letters From Earth/Time Machine

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Released: 1992

"Letters From Earth (alternative version)" is available on the "TV Crimes" 7" Single, Maxi and Maxi-CD
"Time Machine (Wayne's World version)" is available on the usual "TV Crimes" Maxi and Maxi-CD (not on the English picture 12" and digipack) as well as on the "Dehumanizer" US-CD and the official soundtrack for the movie "Wayne's World"


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Released: January 31, 1994

1. I Witness (4:59)
2. Cross of Thorns (4:33)
3. Psychophobia (3:14)
4. Virtual Death (5:49)
5. Immaculate Deception (4:15)
6. Dying for Love (5:52)
7. Back to Eden (3:57)
8. The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (4:29)
9. Cardinal Sin (4:20)
10. Evil Eye (5:59)
Bonus Track Japan-CD:
11. What's the use? (3:03)

Cross Purposes-Live

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Released: June 1995

1.Time Machine (5:07)
2.Children Of The Grave (5:23)
3.I Witness (5:04)
4.Mob Rules (4:12) (*)
5.Into The Void (6:38)
6.Anno Mund (6:17) (*)
7.Black Sabbath (8:11)
8.Neon Knights (5:35) (*)
9.Psychophobia (3:03)
10.The Wizard (4:42)
11.Cross Of Thorns (4:42)
12.Symptom Of The Universe (5:58)
13.Ronindelli Drum Solo (1:32)
14.Headless Cross (5:34)
15.Paranoid (5:13)
16.Iron Man (3:26)
17.Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (6:10)
Tracks marked with (*) are not included on CD!


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Released: June 1995

1. The Illusion Of Power (4:54)
2. Get A Grip (3:59)
3. Can't Get Close Enough To You (4:28)
4. Shaking Off The Chains (4:03)
5. I Won't Cry For You (4:47)
6. Guilty As Hell (3:28)
7. Sick And Tired (3:31)
8. Rusty Angels (5:00)
9. Forbidden (3:48)
10. Kiss Of Death (6:08)
Bonus Track:
11. Loser Gets It All (2:55)
The introduction is a riff collage consisting of
and BLACK SABBATH (ending).
All followed by a short segment of SUPERTZAR which is
immediately stepped on by the band starting up TIME MACHINE.
Indexed as part of TIME MACHINE

STAR OF INDIA (Seventh Star Demos)

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Unreleased: 1985

1. Star Of India (Seventh Star) (5:33)
2. Chance On Love (Danger Zone) (4:33)
3. Eye Of The Storm (Turn To Stone) (3:31)
4. Take My Heart (No Stranger To Love) (6:49)
5. Love On The Line (Heart Like A Wheel) (5:02)
6. Untitled 1 (0:25)
7. Untitled 2 (3:38)
8. Jam 1 (0:28)
9. Jam 2 (2:53)

War Pigs

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Released: 1997

available on the double-CD "The Ozzman Cometh", said to be taken from the so called basement tapes of Ozzy Osbourne


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Released: 1998

War Pigs
Behind The Wall Of Sleep
Fairies Wear Boots
Electric Funeral
Sweet Leaf
Spiral Architect
Into The Void
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Lord Of This World
Dirty Women
Black Sabbath
Iron Man
Children Of The Grave
Psycho Man
Selling My Soul


1975 - We Sold Our Soul for Rock 'n' Roll
1996 - Under Wheels of Confusion
1996 - The Sabbath Stones
2002 - Symptom of the Universe: The Original Black Sabbath 1970-1978
2004 - Black Box: The Complete Original Black Sabbath (1970-1978)
2006 - Greatest Hits 1970-1978

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Black Sabbath postava


Ozzy Osbourne – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geezer Butler - bas gitara

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Bill Ward – bubnjevi

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Ronnie James Dio – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geezer Butler - bas gitara

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Bill Ward – bubnjevi

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Ronnie James Dio – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geezer Butler - bas gitara

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Vinny Appice – bubnjevi

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Ian Gillan- vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geezer Butler - bas gitara

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Bill Ward – bubnjevi

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Ian Gillan- vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geezer Butler - bas gitara

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Bev Bevan – bubnjevi

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David Donato – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geezer Butler - bas gitara

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Bill Ward – bubnjevi

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Glenn Hughes – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geoff Nicholls – klavijature

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Dave Spitz - bas gitara

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Eric Singer – bubnjevi

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Ray Gillen – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geoff Nicholls – klavijature

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Dave Spitz - bas gitara

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Eric Singer – bubnjevi

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Tony Martin – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geoff Nicholls – klavijature

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Dave Spitz - bas gitara

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Bob Daisley - bas gitara

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Eric Singer – bubnjevi

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Bev Bevan – udaraljke

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Tony Martin – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geoff Nicholls – klavijature

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Jo Burt - bas gitara

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Terry Chimes – bubnjevi

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Tony Martin – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geoff Nicholls – klavijature

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Laurence Cottle - bas gitara

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Cozy Powell – bubnjevi

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Tony Martin – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geoff Nicholls – klavijature

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Neil Murray - bas gitara

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Cozy Powell – bubnjevi

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Ronnie James Dio – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geezer Butler - bas gitara

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Vinny Appice – bubnjevi

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Tony Martin – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geoff Nicholls – klavijature

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Geezer Butler - bas gitara

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Bobby Rondinelli – bubnjevi

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Tony Martin – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geoff Nicholls – klavijature

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Neil Murray - bas gitara

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Cozy Powell – bubnjevi

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Tony Martin – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geoff Nicholls – klavijature

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Neil Murray - bas gitara

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Bobby Rondinelli – bubnjevi

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Ozzy Osbourne – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geezer Butler - bas gitara

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Bill Ward – bubnjevi

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Ozzy Osbourne – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geezer Butler - bas gitara

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Vinny Appice – bubnjevi

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Ozzy Osbourne – vokal

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Tony Iommi – gitara

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Geezer Butler - bas gitara

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Bill Ward – bubnjevi

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ponedjeljak, 22.01.2007.

Štafeta se nastavlja...

Dodjeljena od : $rky

Znaci, evo 5 stvari koje neznate o meni:

1. najdraze ALKOHOLNO pice mi je JEGER
2. Omiljene boje: crna, tamnoljubicasta
4. mrzim ljude koji nemaju svoje misljenje
5. redovito razmisljam o samoubojstvu, kako bi se ubila, kako bi bilo na mom sprovodu, u sta bi me obukli i slicno...

Štafetu predajem :

1. DaDi
2. skandie
3. Lost in the darkness...

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utorak, 02.01.2007.


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Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal



<< Philip Hansem Anslemo
roden:30.06.1968 (New Orleans,LA)

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<< RexRobet Brown (Rex Rocker)
Rođen:27.06.1964 (Graham,TX)

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<< Vincet Paul Abbott (Vinnie)
Rođen:11.03.1964 (Dallas,TX)

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<< R.I.P
Darell Lance Abbott (Dimebag)
Rođen:20.08.1966 (Dallas,TX)

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Terry Glaze (Terrence Lee Glaze) - Vocals

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David Peacock - Vocals
Donnie Hart - Vocals
Matt L'Amour - Vocals
Tommy Bradford – Bass

Pantera je popularni heavy metal sastav iz Arlingtona, americke savezne drzave Teksas. Osnovan je 1981. i cesto svrstavan u podzanr heavy metal - groove metal. Prvi komercijalni uspjeh bend je ostvario albumom Cowboys From Hell. Tekstovi Panterinih pjesama uglavnom govore o ljubavi, metalu i zivotnim pitanjima. Bend je zavrsio svoju karijeru 2004. ubojstvom clana Dimeg Darrell Abbotta.

Negdje u bespucima '80-ih godina ideja dva brata - Darrell i Vinnie Paul Abbott, s americkog juga prerasla je u nesto što se, dvadesetak godina kasnije naziva jednim od najboljih i najutjecajnijim metal sastava ikada – Pantera. Ipak, dio karijere u kojem su zajedno s prijateljima Rex Brownom i Terrence Leejem snimili nekoliko nepoznatih albuma s naglaskom na natapirane frizure, pao je u zaborav kada je na mjesto pjevaca umjesto Leeja stao Phil Anslemo. Zajedno sa spomenutom trojkom, Phil je cinio stalnu i udarnu postavu benda koja se nije mijenjala sve do razilazenja početkom ovog tisucljeća. Prvi album s novim pjevacem Power Metal iz 1988. posluzio je samo kao nadimak njihovom glazbenom izricaju i kao odskocna daska za potpisivanje ugovora i objavljivanje njihovog sluzbenog prvijenca Cowboys From Hell iz 1990. Novi zvuk, eksplozivni koncerti, te dvije udarne himne Cemetery Gates i naslovna Cowboys From Hell pomogli su im da dobiju status velike nadolazece atrakcije. Odmah nakon obilazenja svijeta i snimanja kucnog videa na kojem pokazuju svoju ljubav prema seksu, drogi, alkoholu i metalu ulaze u studio i snimaju veliki, sirovi i brutalni Vulgar Display Of Power. Vise ni na televiziji nisu mogli proci nezapazeno i veliki datumi (jedan od njih je i odsvirani koncertu u Rusiji pred milijun ljudi) ispisani su u njihovim karijerama i samo je bilo pitanje vremena kada ce se poceti vrtjeti po poznatijim top listama svjetske glazbe.

Nije se cekalo dugo. Ravno s ceste usli su u studio i za samo 6 tjedana snimili zvukom jedinstven i moćan album. Album se zvao Far Beyond Driven i hitovi kao sto su 5 Minutes Alone, I'm Broken, Becoming, te prva obrada u njihovoj karijeri - Planet Caravan (Black Sabbath) uveli su ih na prvo mjesto Billboardove ljestvice. Ne treba ni napominjati da su bili prvi sastav koji je tako ekstremnom glazbom uspio u tome. U njihovim zivotima, ipak, nije se mijenjalo puno. Duge i zabavne turneje, rasprodane dvorane diljem Amerike i Europe opet su ih 1996. dovele do vrata studija. Ovoga puta, kao i svaki uspjesan bend, dopustili su si malo eksperimentiranja, usporili su tempo i pomaknuli se od beskompromisne zestine prethodnog albuma, te dobili The Great Southern Trendkill. No, i uz takve promjene stvorili su jedan od najzescih i najboljih albuma godine koji je svojom mracnoscu, demonskim vokalima i ogorcenom tematikom podijelio kriticare, te smanjio prodaju. Pokraj hitova Drag The Waters i War Nerve pjesme kao što su Suicide Note i Living Through Me pokazale su da droga uzima veliki zamah u zivotu Pantere te je doslo i do prvih problema. Pricalo se o Anselmovu distanciranju od benda i njegovih clanova, te o raznim heroinskim slucajevima. Tenzije među clanovima Pantere i medusobna neslaganja stanku su razvukla na dugih i sušnih cetiri godine, sto je samo na kratko prekinuto izdavanjem live albuma Official Live: 101 Proof (1997.). Tri godine kasnije snimili su pomalo nostalgican, ali isto tako odlican Reinventing The Steel, koji djelomicno zbog eksplozije novovalnog metala, a djelomicno i zbog letvice koju je Far Beyond Driven postavio jako visoko, nije postigao ocekivani uspjeh. Nova turneja i gostovanje na brojnim festivalima bilo je zadnje što smo od Pantere vidjeli. Phil Anselmo se i dalje posvetio svojim brojnim projektima među kojima su medijsku pozornost ostvarili samo Down (pridružio mu se i Rex Brown) i Superjoint Ritual, dok su se braca Abbott klela na vjernost svojoj Panteri, te novostvorenom grupom Damageplan nastavila gdje su stali.

Iako se uvijek pricalo da će ih nevjerojatna kemija koja je vladala među 'cetvero brace' vratiti zajedno na pozornicu i u studio, svaka nada umrla je 08.12.2004. Naime, tocno 24 godine nakon ubojstva Johna Lennona, zaludeni obožavatelj Pantere popeo se na pozornicu za vrijeme prve pjesme na jednom od koncerata Damageplana i priredio krvoprolice u kojem je brojnim hicima usmrtio Dimebag Darrell Abbotta i nekolicinu prisutnih. Smrt gitaristickog gurua još je jednom, zadnji put, bacila svjetlo na Panteru. Tuga u metal svijetu bila je velika, skoro kao i ostavstina koju su nam ti dečki priustili. Od legendarne Pantere nam je ostalo samo sjecanje. Sjecanje na najvecu grupu od svih....

Pantera Discography

Studio albums

Metal Magic - (1983)

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• Ride My Rocket
• I'll Be Alright
• Tell Me if You Want It
• Latest Lover
• Biggest Part Of Me
• Metal Magic
• Widowmaker
• Nothin' On (But The Radio)
• Sad Lover
• Rock Out

Projects In The Jungle - (1984)

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• All Over Tonight
• Out For Blood
• Blue Light Turnin' Red
• Like Fire
• In Over My Head
• Projects In The Jungle
• Heavy Metal Rules
• Only A Heartbeat Away
• Killers
• Takin' My Life

I Am The Night - (1985)

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• Hot And Heavy
• I Am The Night
• Onward We Rock
• D*G*T*T*M
• Daughters Of The Queen
• Down Below
• Come - On Eyes
• Right On The Edge
• Valhalla
• Forever Tonight

Power Metal - (1988)

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• Rock the World
• Power Metal
• We'll Meet Again
• Over and Out
• Proud To Be Loud
• Down Below
• Death Trap
• Hard Ride
• Burnnn!
• P.S.T."88"

Cowboys from Hell - (1990)

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• Cowboys from Hell
• Primal Concrete Sledge
• Psycho Holiday
• Hersey
• Cemetry Gates
• Domination
• Shattered
• Clash with Reality
• Medicin Man
• Message in Blood
• The Sleep
• The Art of Shredding

Vulgar Display Of Power - (1992)

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• Mouth for War
• A New Level
• Walk
• Fucking Hostile
• This Love
• Rise
• No Good (Attack the Radical)
• Live in a Hole
• Regular People (Conceit)
• By Demons Be Driven (Revised)
• Hollow

Far Beyond Driven - (1994)

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• Strength Beyond Strength
• Becoming
• 5 Minutes Alone
• I'm Broken
• Good Friends and a Bottle of Pills
• Hard Lines, Sunken Cheeks
• Slaughtered
• 25 Years
• Shedding Skin
• Use My Third Arm
• Throes of Rejection
• Planet Caravan

The Great Southern Trendkill - (1996)

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• The Great Southern Trendkill
• War Nerve
• Drag the Waters
• 10's
• 13 Steps To Nowhere
• Suicide Note PT. I
• Suicide Note PT. II
• Living Through Me (Hell's Wrath)
• Floods
• The Underground in America
• (Reprise) Sandblasted Skin

Official Live: 101 Proof

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• New Level
• Walk
• Becoming
• 5 Minutes Alone
• Sandblasted Skin
• Suicide Note Pt. 2
• War Nerve
• Strength Beyond Strength
• Dom/Hollow
• This Love
• I'm Broken
• Cowboys From Hell
• Cemetary Gates
• Hostile
• Where You Come From
• I Can't Hide

Reinventing the Steel

• Hellbound
• Goddamn Electric
• Yesterday Don't Mean Shit
• You've Got to Belong to It
• Revolution Is My Name
• Death Rattle
• We'll Grind That Axe for a Long Time
• Uplift
• It Makes Them Disappear
• I'll Cast a Shadow

Dvd & Video

Cowboys from Hell - The Videos
The Vulgar Video
3: Watch it Go
Pantera: 3 - Vulgar Videos from Hell (1997)


1990. Cemetery Gates
1990. Cowboys From Hell
1992. Hollow
1992. Hostile Mixes
1992. Mouth For War
1993. Walk
1994. 5 Minutes Alone
1994. Planet Caravan
1994. Planet Caravan : Part 2
1994. Shedding Skin
1994. I'm Broken/Slaughtered
1994. I'm Broken/Slaughtered : Part 2
2001. Revolution is My Name

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Darrell Dimebag Abbott - sto se dogodilo 8.12.2004.?

Osmi prosinac 2004 godine postao je tragican. Te, a i slijedecih godina ovaj datum ce se pamtiti po smrti jednog od najboljih gitarista svijeta Dimebag Darrell-a. On je vec usao u povijest glazbe kao vodeci gitarista Pantere, a poslije raspada ovog slavnog benda, ostaje i dalje jedan od najboljih gitarista svirajuci u grupi Damageplan. Sve do nastupa u nocnom klubu The Alrosa Villa u gradu Columbus, u državi Ohio, tog kobnog dana, 08.12.2004 godine. Zauvijek ce ostati tajna zasto je Nathan Gale, bivsi marinac, star 25 godina, odlucio ispaliti pet hitaca u slavnog gitarista.
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Darrell Lance Abbott zvani "Dimebag" rođen je 20.08.1966 u gradu Dallas-u, država Texas. Njegov otac je bio pisac country pjesama i posjedovao je vlastiti studio u kojem je Darrell gledao mnoge blues glazbenike kako sviraju i snimaju svoje pjesme. Ovaj rani utjecaj glazbe na Dimebag-a može se osjetiti u mnogim pjesmama Pantere. Kao veoma mlad sudjelovao je gitarističikim natjecanjima širom države. Sa šesnaest godina Darrell-u više nije bilo dopušteno prijaviti se i sudjelovati na takvim natjecanjima jer je previše puta pobijedio pa ih je on svojim pobjedama učinio nezanimljivim. I znalo se, gdje god se Dimebag pojavi, sigurno će pobijediti. Kasnije će mu ove nagrade donijeti zaštitni znak – zvuk koji je postao obilježje grupe Pantera. Na Darrella najviše utjecaja su imali Eddie Van Halen i Ace Frehley a osim njih i mnogi drugi kao Kerry King iz Slayera, Zak Wylde, James Hetfield iz Metallica-e i Page Hamilton iz grupe Helmet. Darrell Abbott je obogaćivao stranice mnogih gitarskih magazina dijeleći svoja iskustva i na taj način pružao zadovoljstvo čitateljima. On je bio i autor kolumne u jednom od najpoznatijih i najstarijih gitarističkih magazina “Guitar World”. Tekstovi koje je objavljivao u toj kolumni sakupljeni su u knjigu koja se zove Riffer Madness. Zajedno sa svojim bratom bubnjarem Pantera-e Vinnie Paul-om sastali su se s pjevačem David Allan Coe-m u projektu Rebel Meets Rebel i odlučili 2003 osnovati novi sastav pod imenom Damageplan. Debitantski album ove nove grupe New Found Power osvojio je 38 mjesto na top listi 100 najslušanijih albuma u ovoj 2004 godini.

Darrell Dimebag Abbott ubijen je tijekom koncerta Damageplana 8-og prosinca od strane Nathan-A Nate Gale-a koji je ušao u klub oko 22 sata nešto kratko nakon samog početka nastupa. Došao je do lijeve strane bine i produžio se kretati prema desnoj strani na kojoj je stojao Dimebag. Navodno je Gale komentirao nešto o raspadu Pantera-e te zgrabio Abbott-a i dvaput mu pucao u glavu iz neposredne blizine. Darrell Abbott je dobio pet od osam hitaca u tijelo. Potom se okrenuo prema publici pucao i ubio još trojicu ljudi, posjetioca Nathan-a Bray-a, star 23 godine, uposlenika kluba Eric-a Halk-a, star 29 godina i jednog od ljudi iz obezbjeđenja Damageplana Teff-a Thompson-a zvanog Mayhem, star 40 godina. U toj pucnjavi lakše su ozlijeđeni rowdy koji se brinuo o bubnju John Brooks i menađer turneja Chris Paluska. Kako glasi prema policiji, Gale je imao taoca kojem uperio revolver u glavu a potom i pucao po gomili. Kada se taoc našao izvan opasnosti pucnjevima iz dvocijevke policajac James D. Niggemeyer oduzeo je život Nathan-u Gale-u.
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The Alrosa Villa 5055 Sinclair Road, u Columbus-u legendarni je nočni klub u kojem su se održavale svirke heavy metal i rock grupa. Za ovaj klub kroz njegovu povjest vezani su i povremeni sitni ispadi i nasilja tipa narušavanja javnog reda i mira što je klub Alrosu nosilo na lošem glasu kao mjesto koje je izazivalo nevolje. Uključujući i pucnjavu u srijedu navečer.

Nathan Gale rođen je 1979 godine u mjestu Marysville, država Ohio. 1998 godine završio je srednju školu u Marysvillu. Od veljače 2002 do studenog 2003 služio je u američkim marincima ali nije odslužio cijeli vojni rok. Razlozi njegovog otpuštanja iz vojske nisu poznati. Jeramie Brey, radnik u tvornici crijepova i nekadašnji glazbenik sječa se godine 1990 kada ga je Nathan Gale pokušao ubijediti da upotrijebi tekstove koje je on napisao. Problem je bio u tome što su svi u Brey-ovoj grupi otkrili i prepoznali da se radi o tekstovima koji pripadaju grupi Pantera. Gale je tvrdio kako je Pantera te tekstove ukrala od njega. Chad Wall, građevinar, odrastao je zajedno s nathan-om, družio se s njim, slušao metal glazbu. On se sjeća kako je Gale došao s koncerta Pantera-e koji se održao u Daytonu i inzistirao apsolutno ozbiljan kako Pantera treba doći u njihov gradić i svirati na pivo party-ju koje su Wall i društvo planirali napraviti. Svi smo znali da je to ludost, on je bio opsjednut Pantera-om- kaže 29-godišnji Chad Wall.

Opsesija Nathan-a Gale-a trajala je do srijede navečer kada je dvadetpetogodišnjak iznenada se pojavio na pozornici nočnog kluba i iz kromiranog 9 mm-skog revolvera ispalio nekoliko hitaca u glavu legende metal glazbe Darrell-a Dimebag Abbott-a, a potom i još trojicu ljudi. Nakon tog tragičnog događaja reporteri iz raznih radio i televizijskih postaja otišli su u Marysville, rodni grad Nathan-a Gale-a i pokušali odgonetnuti tragičaj slučaj na koncertu grupe Damageplan. Svi koji poznaju Nathan-a opisali su ga kao psihički nestabilnu osobu koja po završetku srednje škole mijenjao posao jedan za drugim, izgubio prijatelje, pomalo ispran služenjem u američim marincima, nikad se zapravo nije uklopio u društvo. Čovjek koji je imao problema ali nikad nikome se nije jadao niti dao do znanja o čemu se radi i što ga to muči. Imao je i kratki dosije u policiji ali nikad nije odavao osobu koja je sklona nasilju. Živio je sa svojom majkom Mary Clarck koja nakon pucnjave ne želi dati nijedan komentar. Njegovi prijatelji iz ranijeg razdoblja kao što Brey i Wall nkad nisu znali detalje iz njegovog obiteljskog života ni poteškoće s kojima se gale nosio i nikad nije bio nasilan kako oni potvrđuju. Brey se sjeća kako je jednom Gale tražio da se Brey i ostali koji su svirali zajedno slikaju kako bi tužili grupu Pantera i jednu kompaniju stripova zbog krađe identiteta. Konstatovali smo da je lud i zato smo ga odbacili – kaže Chad Wall.

Poslije završetka srednje škole Gale radio je nisko plačene poslove kao raznosač pice i slično. Nakon služenja u sastavu američkih marinaca gdje je bio uposlen oko mehanike i nečasnog administrativnog otpuštanja o kojem i američka vojska ne daje nikakvu izjavu, on se vraća u Marysville i nastavlja živjeti kod svoje majke. Nastavlja raditi kao mehaničar u lokalnoj radionici. Njegov šef smatrao ga je dobrim i vrijednim radnikom punog entuzijazma koji se zanimao za rock glazbu, hockey i svim ostalim što je sadržavalo neku vrstu akcije. Policija ne govori otvoreno o motivima ubojstva koje je Gale počinio, nego da se možda nikad neće saznati. U Marysvillu vjeruju kako mu je teško pao raspad grupe Pantera kojom je bio toliko obuzet da je svu krivicu svaljivao na Darrell-a Dimebag-a. Doktror Reed Meloy, psihijatar iz San Dieg-a, specijaliziran za slučajeve napada na poznate osobe kaže kako je Gale-ov profil sličan jednom drugom ubojici – Mark-u David-u Chapman-u koji je usmrtio rock legendu John Lennon-a prije 24 godine i jedan dan, nakon što se zbilo ovo tragično ubojstvo u Columbus-u. Tek nešto kasnije saznalo se da Gale ima dijagnozu paranoidna schizophrenia. “On se identificirao s grupom, on se osječao kao dio grupe koja je za njega imala osobni značaj” – kaže Reed. Gale je idealizirao metu i onda nakon nekoliko mjeseci počinio ubojstvo. Mladi dvadesetpetogodišnjak iz srednje radničke klase u sebi je preživljao ono što nitko nije znao, očito pritisnut psihičkim smetnjama u koju je uvučen jedan megapopularni metal sastav. Muzika koju je Pantera svirala, gitarski rifovi i vrišteće solaže Darrell-a Abbot-a, dovele su ga do Nathan-a Gale-a koji je sve to što su Dimebag i Pantera stvorili preinačio u fatalnu atrakciju i nekako dovele do toga da on postane ubojica jednog od stvaralaca glazbe koju je fanatično obožavao.

"S svim njegovim vrhunskim dostignućem na gitari Dime će mi najviše nedostajati zbog njegove divne osobnosti, karizme, brigom za druge, ljubavi a najviše od svega njegovo srce. Dvaput je veće nego država Texas! Hvala svima koji nam pomažu u ovom nemjerljivom gubitku. Počivaj u miru brate Dime!" – rekao je između ostaloga u kračoj izjavi Vinnie Paul Abbott. Izjave suosječanja dali su ljudi iz izdavačke kuće Atlantic Records, i mnogi svjetski glazenici i gitaristi koji su u svojim izjavama izrazili divne riječi za slavnog gitarista, žaljenje, bijes, pomoć...

Sto slavni govore o Dimebag-u (na engleskom, al vjerujem da vecina koji ovo budu citali ce razumijeti):

Vinnie Paul
"With all his greatness and accomplishments on the guitar, Dime will be missed more for his giving personality, charisma, caring for others, love and most of all his HEART!! Twice as big as the state of TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!! Dime gave it all every day to each and every one of us and our lives have forever been hollowed without him...Thanks to all of you for reaching out to us in this time of our immeasurable loss. REST IN PEACE BROTHER DIME!!!!!!"

Tony Iommi

I was absolutely shocked by the news. Dimebag was such a really nice genuine bloke and a great player. He was always very respectful towards me and it was lovely to have him on tour with us. He will be sadly missed.

Paul Stanley – KISS

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I'm stunned. The taking of Dimebag Darrell's life in this horrific murder is a senseless tragedy for his fans and unfathomable loss for his family. I send my deepest condolences to Vinnie and the rest of his family. My thoughts are also with the families of all the other victims of this heinous act."

Gene Simmons - KISS

Sad to report 'Dimebag' Darrell Abbott, formerly of PANTERA, has been killed in a club incident. Our best wishes to his family and friends.

Brian May - QUEEN

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We are all gutted to hear of the senseless and tragic death of Dimebag Darrell, who was shot by a 'fan' who climbed on the stage at a show of his new band, DAMAGEPLAN. He was, of course, better known for his great playing in PANTERA.

"PANTERA were, I think, the first band that I and my son Jimmy both got equally excited about. It was Jimmy who first got me to see them. They were a great band, and Dimebag was an innovative and passionate player.

"Great musician. Terrible loss. My respects to him, to his family and friends. Also to those who were killed trying to save him and apprehend the gunman.


Kirk Windstein – CROWBAR

This whole thing is very disturbing.

First, I'd like to give my deepest heartfelt sympathy to Vinnie, Rita, all Dime's bandmates, and all of his family and friends throughout the world.

Second, I'd like to thank Dime for all the joy he's brought to my life both through his music, and through his friendship over the years.

I can honestly say that hanging out with Dime was some of the funnest times of my life. I really looked up to him as a person, and, of course, as a guitar hero. It's not very often that you get to jam with one of your musical inspirations on his back porch.

I feel really fortunate to have been able to know him as a person, to tour with PANTERA, to sit there with him and watch him do what very few can do on a guitar.

This whole thing is just horrible.

My sincerest thoughts and prayers go out to him and all of his loved ones.

"hanks for all you've brought to my life, Dime. Love you, bro.

Fallon Bowman – KITTIE

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I would like to extend my condolences to the Abbott family at this difficult time.

"PANTERA, and especially Dimebag, made sure I had tons o' fun on the Ozzfest tour so I owe them a lot. Not only that, he was just a down-to-earth, nice person.

"It's a sad day for music. I'm sure this weekend everyone will do one shot of Jack Daniel's in his honour.

"RIP, Dime."

Jimmy Bower

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The fact is, and what's really important, is that Darrell was a beautiful person. We lost a great guy who did a lot for a lot of people. What happened was incredibly ignorant to say the least. He extended himself to me time and time again. The guy MADE me stay at his house anytime a tour I was on stopped in Texas. My extreme condolences go out to Vinnie, the Abbott family, Damageplan, and the fans.

Ted Nugent

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It was horrible. Darrell was a big fan of mine. He expressed that every time we ever saw each other," said the Nuge, who fondly recalled that PANTERA performed his "Journey to the Center of the Mind" and "Cat Scratch Fever" the last time they played Detroit.

"It's tragic on two dynamic levels," Nugent, an outspoken advocate of sensible gun ownership, added. "Once again, innocence is destroyed, and it's Americans destroying other Americans. This conduct runs wild in this country ... It's not the Taliban doing it. It's Americans."

Mike Mushok – STAIND

I can't believe the news I got last night. Jon called me telling me that Dimebag was shot at a club while they were performing. I couldn't believe it then and I still can't. On behalf of myself and the band I'd like to send our deepest sympathy to Dime's family. What a loss.

"I was lucky enough to be able to hang with Dime on a few occasions and he was a man that loved life and lived it to the fullest. He was an incredible guitar player / musician / human being - a legend who will live on in the awesome music that he made.

"Pour yourself a shot of crown, add a splash of coke and raise your glass in Dime's memory. You'll be missed."


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"To Vinnie & all concerned: Man, I am so fuckin sorry. You know I loved Dimebag and I'm about as sorry as you can get. Glad you're OK though. If there's anything you need help with, you got my number somewhere, OK.

"Thinking of you."

Phil Campbell - MOTORHEAD

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"I'm so sorry, we'll dedicate the set to Dimebag tonight."

"My deepest sympathy to everyone affected by this tragedy

Marty Friedman – MEGADETH

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I knew Darrell from months of touring together. He was a great guitar player, actually much better than was probably necessary to play the kind of music he was playing. Although his image was a wild partying maniac, his playing always was full of class and finesse. As a fellow guitar player, KISS fanatic and basic rock dude just tryin' to make music, I'm sad and shocked by this.

"Why is it so easy for any lunatic to get his hands on a gun??

"RIP, Dime, you will be missed.

Max Cavalera - Soulfly
"Music has lost one of the greatest players and a friend and brother in metal. We toured together many times as a matter of fact and Darrell "Dime" and his brother came to our show in Texas. Today I feel empty, like there's nothing we can do to bring him back. All I can do is pray that Darrell is in a better place."

Trevor Peres - Obituary
"I can't believe that this happened to Darrell. One could never imagine something like this happening at a metal concert. Out of all of the 'rock stars' that I know, he is the last person that deserved that. What a great guitarist and what a 'ham' he was. I am completely devastated. I am at loss of words."

Mike Portnoy - DREAM THEATER

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Dime was an incredible talent who I've admired since the beginning when we had both just signed to Atco Records. It's been many years since I've hung with him or any of the PANTERA guys - but my memories with him and the guys were always of great fun and filled with crazy drunken insanity.

He lived each and everyday to the fullest. In fact, I never could believe how he could even function (both on and off stage) with the way he partied and lived life. I feel so sorry for Vinnie and the rest of the band and family.Words really cannot describe the heartache I've had all day.This is as tragic and unbelievable as Lennon getting killed.
But this hits home even closer because he was ONE OF US.


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"Dimebag was a dear friend of mine," Ozzy Osbourne said. "I'm absolutely beside myself with grief... Pantera toured with me many, many times. I'll always remember the signed guitar that he gave me at my 50th birthday party. My heart goes out to Dime's family, his fans and the other innocent victims who were killed in this senseless tragedy. It's just terribly, terribly sad."

Geezer Butler
Dimebag- one of the nicest blokes I have met on the road, one of the greatest musicians to grace our world. Senselessly taken from us by yet another act of gun violence. Rest in peace- thanks for the music and the man."

Scott Ian - ANTHRAX

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"I am devastated as I'm sure we all are. All I can convey at this moment are my condolences to Rita and Vinnie and the whole family. My heart is with you."

Doug Sabolick - A Life Once Lost
A sad fucking day for sure, some miserable 20 something fuck killed a legend. A man who inspired so many to rip and thrash. Pantera was and still is my favorite group and Dimebag was the one who inspired me the pick up the axe , the bottle and the joint and just fucking RIP! I remember being 13 years old and just blasting "Far Beyond Driven" all day long. Darrell was who I looked up to, someone who did things on his own terms and still succeeded!

Dave Mustaine - MEGADETH

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"There is nothing unique or clever to this post, and what I want to say has no doubt already been said throughout the metal community, by countless others whom were more closer to Darrell than me by now. However, knowing he was murdered tonight, I wish to thank and remember Darrell for his amazing life and the gift that he shared with me and so many other fortunates. I pray for Darrell's family and friends; specifically for their healing, their peace, and their understanding of this tragedy in this time of need. I send my deepest heartfelt condolences to the Abbott family, to Darrell's friends, and to the fantastic PANTERA and DAMAGEPLAN fans around the world. We must never forget his life, and his gifts, his genius, his terrific personality, and the legacy he left behind to remember him by. Darrell, I will see you in heaven and I, like so many more, love you brother. You will be missed."

Mantas - VENOM
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"A sad day for the world of Heavy Metal. A great talent taken by a senseless and unnecessary event. Although I never met the guy, I was always a fan of his music and of him as a guitarist, and the world of Heavy Metal guitar will mourn his loss. My thoughts go out to his family and friends at this tragic time. Rest in peace, dude."

Dave Mustaine - Megadeth
I knew him by wanting to play with him. We had Pantera open for Megadeth in the U.S. and in Europe. When you get to the level of guitar playing that I'm at and that he was at, the air is pretty thin up there . . . Darrell was a really gentle spirit and pretty easygoing guy. Society is looking at this and saying, "This is heavy metal." That's not heavy metal, that's a random act..

Jonathan Davis - Korn
In the Eighties, honestly, I was more into dance music, New Romantic music like Depeche Mode. Vulgar Display of Power totally opened my eyes to a more traditional kind of metal. That made me go, "I want to be in a band like this. This is the shit." I really became a huge fan of Pantera, especially with what Darrell did. I'll never forget that trademark fucking flying "V" guitar of his and his crazy, dyed fucking goatee and insane, undeniable riffs that he wrote that have been copied I don't know how many fucking times. He was one of the last great, traditional metal guitarists of our day. He was just a legend. It seems like all the great guitar players get taken early.

Nikki Sixx - MÖTLEY CRÜE

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"Dime, I will never forget all the times you made us laugh. I'm so happy we got to spend the day together in London recently & We should all live our lives as full as you have. I will miss you, as will all of us... This is a sad day."

Shaun Glass - SOIL

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"Today I am saddened to say I lost my friend and hero it sickens me that someone would take away a person that brought so much joy to so many people. Love ya, Double D."

"My brother just called to tell me that Dimebag Darrell was shot and killed on stage tonight. Words cannot express the sadness I'm feeling right now and my condolences go out to Vinnie Paul and the Abbott family for their loss. This is a huge tragedy for the music world."

Lars Ulrich - Metallica

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This is unbelievable. To sit here and talk about Darrell in the past tense seems so wrong, so unfair, so unjust, I don't even know what to say. My heart goes out to Vinnie, to their families, to the other band members, and to the families and friends of the other people that were killed or injured, in this fucking senseless act of selfishness and stupidity.
In 1985 I was fortunate enough to meet both Darrell and his brother in Dallas on tour. The first thing me and my friend did as soon as that tour was over, was to head straight back to Dallas and hang out with Darrell and Vinnie for a long time, cuz they were the coolest muther fuckers that we had met after criss-crossing the states for three months. That was the beginning of a friendship that was anchored in love, respect, fun, outrageousness, music, booze, sweat, late nights, early mornings, hangovers, headaches, pounding eardrums, sore bodies... the list goes on.

There's a tendency in these fucked up moments to use the word "I" a lot and focus on one's own feelings of pity and shock... so instead let it just be known that thru these eyes Darrell was incredibly warm, open, fun, nutty, forthcoming, talented, embracing, unpretentious, accommodating and he always had a very attractive innocence about him that obviously made him never threatening and always welcoming.

Darrell and his brother were the cornerstone of musical adventures that were always groundbreaking, pushing boundaries, challenging to themselves and to their fans, respected by their peers and always true musicians' musicians, and today the rock world is worse off because of this untimely and senseless waste.

Much love and respect and thanks for letting me be a small part of your life and I know you are already having fun and throwing it down with Bon Scott, Keith Moon, John Bonham, Jimi, Cliff B., and the rest of the musicians and troublemakers that you are hanging with so prematurely.

Charlie Benante - Anthrax
Dime was special, those who knew him would attest to that....

Corey Taylor - Slipknot
"I lost a really good friend on my 31st birthday. Dimebag was the kind of guy you could hang out with for 2 seconds and feel like you knew him your whole life. He made you laugh, made you drink, but most of all made you feel special. I'm really really going to miss him, but the one thing we will always have is his music."

Mark Hunter - Chimaira
"I don't know a single person who didn't love the music Dime created. I am so thankful for the all of the music he gave us and I am truly upset about this. I immediately broke into tears when I heard the confirmation. Dime's music gave me so much to live for when I was younger and he truly changed the face of metal with his unique style of guitar playing. There isn't a metal band I know that hasn't borrowed a riff or three from him. My heart goes out to the Abbot family, their friends and all of the fans who had to witness this tragedy in Columbus."

Wayne Static - STATIC-X

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It's taken me several days to gather my thoughts so I could make some sort of statement about Dime. This whole thing is so surreal.

PANTERA changed my life as a musician. Dime has always been my absolute favorite guitarist ever.

STATIC-X did two tours with PANTERA and they were the most memorable tours of my career. Recently I've been very excited that Dime and Vinnie have carried on with DAMAGEPLAN, and I was looking forward to hearing many more great albums from them in the future.

The last show STATIC-X played before entering the recording studio was with DAMAGEPLAN in Florida. After the show, Dime and I, along with his awesome wife Rita, hung out all night and did plenty of drinking.

I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to get to know Dime, along with his bandmates Vinnie, Patrick, and Bobzilla. DAMAGEPLAN, their crew, and their friends are some of the best people I ve ever met. Dime had a huge heart and a pure honesty that made him very cool and unique. He will be missed by everyone."

Howard Jones - Killswitch Engage
"This is insane and this is beyond travesty. This is beyond anything I've ever heard. This shouldn't happen in or outside of the rock and metal community. He will be missed and mourned as a person, as a musician, and as a friend."

Matt Heafy - Trivium
"Dimebag was one of the most influential musicians in our time. Dime was a legend who really made the world seem that much better. He was a man who helped inspire countless numbers of players, fans, and people in general, including me. It's a terrifying feeling that now at concerts, at the place that we seek our release from the everyday world we want to escape from, our heroes are being murdered. My heart goes out to the Abbott family: Dimebag Darrell Abbott was a man of legendary and heroic status, but before all that, Darrell was and always will be a brother and a son we all mourn today."

Clown - Slipknot
"It's just upsetting how the world is - the need and the necessity to override the value of life. From my whole (SLIPKNOT) family, I would like to tell . . . Vinnie and everyone else how sorry we are."

Mikkey Dee – MOTORHEAD

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Machine Head
"Machine Head are devastated by the horrific news. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to the Abbott family, Damageplan and former members of Pantera. Our thoughts are with you all."

Paul Grey - Slipknot
"He will truly be missed. Dime was one of the first people to show Slipknot respect as a band and that meant so much because we all looked up to him. I remember all the good times I was able to spend with him over the years from tearing it up at the Ritz Carlton playing our version of WWF wrestling with Joey (Jordison) and Bobby Tongs to getting drunk with the outlaw at noon. He was there for me when I was going through struggles and problems in my life, always willing to listen and give me good advice. He was a good friend and I will miss him greatly. My condolences go out to Vinnie, Rita and the entire Abbott Family."

Life Of Agony
"Today is a sad day for music. Life Of Agony are extremely distraught over last night's insane tragedy which took the life of Damageplan's Dimebag Darrell. The band's hearts go out to the Abbott family as well as the entire Damageplan camp. Dime, you will never be forgotten. We are all just speechless over here."

"Dimebag was an excellent musician and a good friend, a fucking great partner in memorable tours. We'll miss him very much. Our condolences to the Abbott family."

Jonny Santos - Spineshank
"Dimebag was to me probably the most influencial guitar player of metal since I knew what metal was. I can remember Tommy and I going to every Pantera show that came to town and even sneaking into one at the Paladium years ago by climbing up the side of the building. It saddens me to think that something like this could happen to somebody who did nothing but give to the people of this community. Even after Pantera he continued to bless us with his unique style of playing. His music will live on forever, and may he rest in eternal peace. My respect and condolances go out to Vinnie and his family, the rest of the band & crew, and the families of those who lost someone in this tragic event .
You will be missed but not forgotten."

Phil Labonte - All That Remains
I don't know what to say the whole band is shocked our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone!"

Cory Brandon - Norma Jean
I think it's insane and scary and most of all sad that this had to happen. how lame. hearing about this sort of stuff pretty much pisses me off! Metal will miss that dude for sure. I liked him. RIP "cowboy from hell."

Dan Jacobs - Atreyu
It's a sad day when being such a good guitar player can get you killed. Metal will never be the same.

Trevor - UNEARTH
This is a sad day for Heavy Metal, Rock'n'roll and for all his family, friends and legion of fans around the world.

Ed Conroy - Full Blown Chaos
That's a idol and a legend gone for no reason. There is no reason for something like this to happen and it's frightening to think if this could happen in the future if ,say, some crazed fan jumps on stage and does something like that at a full blown show. With Darrell, man, it's just a waste of talent. People all over are just bummed out about it. Whether he was a friend or not, his influence can be heard all around music now.

Bobby C. - A Life Once Lost
Not only was Dime progressive musician, his image and style of playing changed the face of metal to this day...Light one up in his memory."

Mark Morton - Lamb of God
Dime's music was a huge influence on me personally and on Lamb of God as a whole. as a guitar player he was a true inovator. his sound tone and style shapped modern metal and his riffs are constantly referenced by nearly every band in metal including my own. only recently did i have the pleasure of hanging out with him on a personal level and he was as genuine and down to earth as anyone you would ever meet. this is a huge loss to the music world."

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nedjelja, 24.12.2006.

SYSTEM OF A DOWN- najdrazi bend

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System Of A Down, bend u čijem sastavu sviraju četvorica Armenaca, jedinstvena je pojava na glazbenom nebu današnjice. Originalno iskazivanje bunta protiv gorućih problema društva, specijalnost je koju su svijetu prezentirali svojim albumima. Kada su još 1994. godine počeli održavati prve probe pod imenom Soil, nisu niti slutili kako će jednoga dana biti svjetski popularni. Čupavi pjevač Serj, ludi gitarist Daron, ćelavi basist Shavo i hladnokrvni bubnjar John (1997. godine je zamijenio Andy Kachaturiana), gotovo su svake večeri nastupali u jednom od klubova u Los Angelesu. Demo snimke usmjerile su pažnju underground subkulture na grupu, no vrtoglavi uspon ovih rock alternativaca započeo je nakon što ih je uočio ugledni glazbeni producent Rick Rubin, inače poznat po radu sa Red Hot Chili Peppersima, Beastie Boysima i mnogim drugima.

Debitantski album nazvan 'System Of A Down' predvođen singlovima 'Sugar' i 'Spiders', 1998. godine zaradio je platinastu nakladu. Ključni motivi poput primjerice armenskog genocida, socijalne nepravde i besmislenosti rata ostali su do danas temelji glazbenoga i kreativnoga izričaja glavnih tekstopisaca benda, Darona Malakiana i Serja Tankiana. Također stil, sačinjen od elemenata metala, rocka, jazza i armenskog folklora nešto je po ćemu se grupa izdvaja od ostalih. Inače, ime benda nastalo je promjenom naziva jedne od pjesama Malakiana, nazvane ''Victims Of A Down'', gdje ''A'' simbolički predstavlja Ameriku. Nakon tri godine intenzivnog nastupanja širom SAD-a, uslijedio je njihov najuspješniji album, 'Toxicity'. Zanjimljiv je podatak, kako je album zauzeo prvo mjesto na američkoj nacionalnoj top listi upravo onaj tjedan, kada se dogodio teroristički napad na New York, 11. rujna 2001.. Ubrzo, političari su System Of A Down etiketirali kao kontroverznu grupu zbog ćega je i njihov fenomenalni singl 'Chop Suey' maknut sa radijskog programa. Bez obzira na to, album je prodan u pet milijuna primjeraka. Godinu dana kasnije izdaju novi album, 'Steal This Album', na koji su uvrstili neobjavljene pjesme, skladane za 'Toxicity'. U to vrijeme počinje rat u Iraku, te System Of A Down u izradi spota za singl 'Boom!' surađuje sa poznatim redateljem i kritičarom Bushove politike, Michael Moorom.

2005. godina će ostati upisana u mnogim rock enciklopedijama – System Of A Down je izdao dva albuma, 'Mezmerize' (22.5.) i 'Hypnotize' (22.11.), te sa oba osvojio sam vrh najprestižnije, Billboardove top ljestvice. Do tada, to je uspijelo samo legendarnim Beatlesima. Doduše čak pet puta, ali ipak ... 'Mezmerize', najavljen žestokom pjesmom 'B.Y.O.B.' (Bring Your Own Bombs), označio je novo poglavlje u povijesti grupe. Mnogi su fanovi ostali zbunjeni gotovo drastičnom promjenom stila, no ubrzo su shvatili kako je to nužan glazbeno-evolucijski korak u razvoju System Of A Downa. Uslijedila je nagrada za najbolju alternativnu grupu godine od strane MTV-a. U studenome, na tržište su pustili i drugi album, pod nazivom 'Hypnotize'. Članovi benda priznaju kako su ideju dvostrukog albuma ''ukrali'' od Q.Tarantina i njegovog filma ''Kill Bill''. Omot za 'Mezmerize/Hypnotize' izradio je otac gitarista Darona Malakiana, Vartan Malakian, inače poznati armenski slikar. Krajem 2005. godine, singl 'B.Y.O.B.' dobio je nagradu Grammy, u kategoriji najbolje hard-rock izvedbe. Nakon završetka Ozzfesta 2006., bend je najavio višegodišnju stanku, kako bi se članovi grupe mogli posvetiti osobnim projektima.
Filozofiju benda možda će najbolje objasniti sam Tankian – ''Mislim da je sudbina izabrala glazbu za nas četvoricu. I ti ako pratiš svoj put, svoje srce sigurno nećeš pogriješiti.''

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Definitivno najbolji vokal sa nevjerojatnim glasovnim sposobnostima koji je ikada hodao ovim planetom Serj Tankian, vokalist je u bendu, piše pjesme, komponira glazbu, svira klavijature, a ponekad i gitaru. Rođen je u Beirutu (Libanon), 21.8.1967., gdje je živio do svoje osme godine, a nakon toga se sa roditeljima i mlađim bratom Sevagom preselio u Los Angeles gdje i danas živi. Unatoč tome što je rođen u Libanonu, podrijetlom je iz Armenije. Serj se bavi i pisanjem poezije te je izdana i njegova knjiga ''Cool Gardens'' koja ima 96 stranica sa slikama. Osim što je stalan član benda, Tankian je pokrenuo i vlastitu diskografsku kuću – ''Serjical Strike'', s ciljem da se tu objavljuje i pušta glazbu njegovih najdražih glazbenika. Prvi projekt sa ''Serjical Strike''-om nazvan je "Serart", a u njemu osim samog Serja sudjeluje i poznati glazbenik, Arto Tuncboyac1yan, također Armenac. ''SerArt'' je mješavina jazza, rocka, hip hopa, dance i eksperimentalne glazbe. Bendovi s kojima Tankian surađuje su Bad Acid Trip, Kittens for Christian, Slow Motion Reign itd. Tankian je vegetarijanac, veliki borac protiv nasilja i nepravde. Nakon terorističkog napada na World Trade Center 11.9.2001., Serj je na službenoj web stranici objavio esej ''Understanding Oil'' koji su mnogi pročitali, iako je maknut sa sajta zbog pritiska korporacije Sony. Serj je zahtjevao pravdu i kaznu teroristima koji su svojim činom potresli čitav svijet. Nedavno se udružio sa Tom Morellom (ex gitaristom Rage Against The Machine, sada svira u Audioslave-u) i osnovali su organizaciju ''Axis Of Justice'', koja potiče mlade da aktivnije sudjeluju u politici.
Serj, kao i ostali članovi benda, puno radi na tome da Turska prizna svoj zločin, genocid koji je počinjen nad Armencima 1915. godine. Inače je veliki šaljivac i voli zadavati muke novinarima, prilikom intervjua, davanjem samo njemu shvatljivih, ludih odgovora. Poznat je i po posebnom držanju mikrofona, a ponekad koristi i drugi mikrofon kako bi dodao extra efekte samoj pjesmi. Visok je 185 cm (najviši u bendu). Nije oženjen, puši i na drogama je, al` njemu to ne smeta. Rekao je da ''na turneje ne ide bez svojeg bonga, cd-ova i tableta''...Po zanimanju je informatičar, ali možemo ga smatrati i izvrsnim (budućim?) političarom. Uvijek je u odijelu, elegantanodjeven.

- Serj vjeruje, da kada spavamo jedemo paukove (???)
- Ima kuću na Novom Zelandu
- Ne voli pričati o svom privatnom životu
- Voli glazbu grupe Korn
- Hobi mu je košarka a kao najveću inspiraciju navodi prirodu
- Vozi SUV
- Prvo je radio kao prodavač cipela a zatim se počeo baviti marketingom

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Roden je 22.04.1974.godine u Yerevanu, Armenia.
U mladim danima Shavo je dane provodio na sk8u slusajuci Punk&Rock i heavy metal glazbu. The Pink Angel, Dead Kennedys, KISS samo su neki od bendova koji su poslje imali velikog utjecaja na njegovo stvaralastvo.
Shavo se preselio u L.A kao djete od par godina.U velikom djelu odgajala ga je baka, poslje cije smrti je kako kaze izgubio vjeru i prestao se moliti svaku vecer kao sto je to prije radio. Pohadao je istu skolu kao i njegovi buduci kolege Daron i Serj iako se u to vrjeme nisu poznavali zbog razlike u godinama...
osim sto je radio u banci, bio je menadjer Tankianovom i malakianovom bandu Soil, nakon sto su se upoznali 1993.godine u studiu u kojem je snimao sa svojim bendom. 1995 Shavo postaje stalni basist benda Soil koji je poslje dobio ime SYSTEM OF A DOWN koje je inspirirano pjesmom Victims Of A Down koju je napisao Daron.
Shavo se nakratko pojavljuje u filmu Zoolander kao jedan od Hanselovih prijatelja. Njegov naj glumac je Christopher Walken i tvrdi da ga fascinira okultizam uglavnom u formi filma.
Shavo je ubiti gitarist i tvrdi da gitaru svira bolje nego bas.
Prije SOAD-a Shavo se pojavljuje u spotu grupe AC/DC iz 1993.

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John je rodjen u Libanonu ali je Armenske nacionalnosti.
Libanonski gradjanski rat zapoceo je i dosao do svog vrhunca za vrjeme Johnovog boravka te je njegova obitelj odlucila pobjeci nakon inritgirajucih dogadjaja.... Jedne noci, dok je jos bio djete, John se probudio i zastrasen zavukao se roditeljima u krevet. Malo poslje toga kroz prozor Johnove sobe doletio je metak i pogodio u krevet na kojem je John do maloprije spavao.
Otac je odlucio da se moraju preseliti... Preselili su se prvo u Toronto a poslje u L.A.
Njegov jedinstven i originalan nacin sviranja utjecao je na novu generaciju bubnjara. Mnogi kriticari njegov stil nazivaju skicofrenicnim. I bas je to privuklo znacajnu kolicinu SOAD fanova.
Stalni " ljuti " izrazi lica i njegov profinjeni nacin odjevanja odaju dojam kao da je pripadnik Ruske mafije...
Serj je za casopis Kerrang izjavio da uvjek pokusava izmamiti osmjeh na Johnovo lice na sto je Jphn odgovorio da je puno truda ulozio da bi odrzao ozbiljan izraz lica da ga to nebi izbacilo iz ritma.
Uz Joeya Jordisona, John je jedan od rjetkih bubnjara na Mainstream Metal sceni koji koristi Blast Beat, Death Metal tehnika bubnjanja koja se moze cuti u pjesmi B.Y.O.B! Uporaba ove tehnike uz druge aspekte Johnovog stila, njegova je glazba mnogo kompleksnija i tehnicki zahtjevnija os vecine ostalih popularnih bubnjara. To sve skupa zavrjedjuje postovanje njemu i cjelom bendu od strane cjele mainstream metal scene.

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Rođen je 18.7.1975. U Hollywoodu. Ne može se zanemariti činjenica da je Daron zaslužan za većinu uspjeha ove grupe. Napisao je većinu pjesma, pjeva 2.vokal i savršeno svira gitaru. Zanimljivo je da je proglašen 4.najboljim gitaristom u proteklih 5 godina, 8.u proteklih
10 godina, i 58.na svijetu… Uzmite u obzir činjenicu da se kroz povijest izmijenilo na desetke tisuća gitarista i tada možete shvatiti golemi uspjeh Malakiana.

Svira Ibanez Ic 300 gitaru koja je između basa i prave el.gitare. Gitaru je počeo svirati kada je imao 8 godina. Svira je 8 h dnevno (!!!), i nikad nije pohađao tečaj sviranja gitare. Sve je naučio sam. Mrzio je školu-uvijek je bježao i izmišljao razloge da ne ide na nastavu. Nije
išao na maturalnu zabavu, pojavio se samo u godišnjaku.Često je bio sudionik u tučama,prebivao u zatvoru zbog marihuane..... Kad su ga profesori pitali što želi biti, rekao je-glazbenik. Nitko nije shvaćao zašto onda nije izabrao glazbeni umjesto prirode i drugih predmeta. Njegovi roditelji su umjetnici kao i on, i nema brata niti sestru. Vartan
Malakian je oslikao Daronovu gitaru koja je na e-bayu prodana za nevjerojatnu sumu novca. Osim gitare, pjevanja, i pisanja, Daron odlično igra košarku, skuplja svijeće, perzijske sagove, instrumente i lubanje (!!!!). Pjesmu Old School Hollywood je napisao inspiriran košarkom. Zanimljivo je to da je pisao neka djela izvođena na Broadwayu.

Danas živi u Glendale-u i ima, kakio kažu novinari, najljepšu i najluksuzniju kuću u tom dijelu grada, sa prekrasnim pogledom. Daronova kuća je uvijek uredna iako nema niti jednu sluškinju, vrtlara, ništa… Živi sam, zato što se prije 2 godine odselio od roditelja koji su mu cijelog života pružali podršku. Daron sam otvara vrata posjetiteljima, ide u trgovinu, sprema… Novinari su ga opisali kao ljubaznog čovjeka koji im je skuhao čaj i pokazao
im kuću, čitao pima obožavatelja… Zanimljivo je i to što Daron čita SVA pisma koja mu šalju obožavatelji.

Jednom je skočio sa pozornice uzdignute na 2 metra visine i slomio koljeno. On ne voli popularnost i kaže da ga živcira što stalno puštaju njihove pjesme na TV-u. Kaže da svoju glazbu stvara s ljubavlju i da je to Božji dar. Neke pjesme samo on može razumjeti i svaka ima svoje značenje. Darona ne živcira to što obožavatelji često prže njihove CD-e jer to često radi i sam. U studiju provodi 12 sati dnevno.

Njegovi najdraži bendovi su Slayer, Metallica, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Beatles,black sabbath… Daron često svira na koncertima pjesme ''Thank you'' by:Led Zeppelin i ''Goodbye Blue Sky'' by Pink Floyd, ali kritičari i publika se slažu u jednom - on to izvodi mnogo bolje… Jednom je rekao da u životu ne bi mogao biti ništa drugo-samo glazbenik.

Daron je tijekom svoje karijere često mijenjao stil, ali uvijek je ostao savršen izvođač. Ostale članove SOAD-a zove ''braćom''. Izjavio je da on ima toliko pjesama u glavi da može u nekoliko dana objaviti 5 samostalnih albuma.

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Gitarist SOAD-a, Daron Malakian, izjavio je za MTV.com da ce predvođenje OzzFesta biti zadnje okupljanje benda prije poduze pauze... evo dio intervjua:

"I'll always be a member of System Of A Down," he said. "That will never change. There's no rule that says you have to make records constantly, like clockwork, to continue being who you are. We want to live our lives, [because being in a band] really consumes a big part of your life, and sometimes you just want to stop and slow down. We started being just these guys in a band, and the next thing you know, everyone's asking for autographs. It plays with your head."

We're not breaking up," Malakian insisted. "If that was the case, we wouldn't be doing this Ozzfest, because we're a little nervous" about trying to fill Ozzy Osbourne's shoes. Ozzy will be headlining just 10 of this year's Ozzfest dates, with System topping the bill on Ozzy's off days. "We're going to take a very long break after Ozzfest and do our own things," he added. "We've done System for over 10 years, and I think it's healthy for us to get away from it for a while and come back to it later on. So, this is probably going to be ... well, it's not a farewell tour, but it's going to be a little while before we go out again."


•System of a Down

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• Steal This Album!

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• Mezmerize

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• Hypnotize

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• 1998: Sugar
• 1999: Spiders
• 2001: Chop Suey!
• 2001: Toxicity
• 2002: Aerials
• 2002: Innervision
• 2003: I-E-A-I-A-I-O
• 2003: Boom!
• 2005: B.Y.O.B.
• 2005: Question!
• 2005: Hypnotize
• 2006: Lonely day


•2000: Storaged („Heavy Metal 2000“-Soundtrack / Sugar E.P.)
•2000: Snowblind (Cover od Black Sabbath, izdana na „Nativity in Black, Vol. 2: A Tribute to Black Sabbath“)
•2001: Forever, "Outer Space"
•2001: Virginity, "Virgin Tea"
•2001: The Metro („Dracula 2000“-Soundtrack / „Not another teen movie!“)
•2001: Johnny (Promo, na single-CD od Chop Suey!)
•Temper (raniji demo)
•Blue (raniji demo)
•Honey (raniji demo)
•Starlit Eyes
•Will they die for you? (sa Lil'Kim ,Puffy, Mase ; izdan na South Park albumu)
•Feel good (feat. hed p.e. & Kittie)
•Defy you (Nuguns Remix)
•Patterns (Serj Tankian s bivsim Black Sabbath Gitaristom Tony Iommi
•Drugs (Intro na koncertima od European-Tour 2001)
•Goodbye Blue Sky
•Shame (on a Nigga) (skupa sa Wu-Tang Clan)
•Mushroom Cult (skupa s Dog Fashion Disco; objavljen na Anarchists Of Good Taste)
•Friik (neobjavljen)


•1998: War?

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•1998: Sugar – Rezija: Nathan Cox

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•1999: Spiders – Rezija: Charlie Deaux

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•2001: Chop Suey! – Rezija: Marcos Siega / Shavo Odadjian

•2002: Toxicity – Rezija: Shavo Odadjian

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•2002: Aerials – Rezija: Shavo Odadjian

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•2003: Boom – Rezija: Michael Moore
•2005: B.Y.O.B. – Rezija: Jake Nava

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•2005: Question! - Rezija: Shavo Odadjian / Howard Greenhalgh

Stranice na kojima mozete procitat neke stvari o albumima:

http://www.monitor.hr/album_tjedna/systemofadown_toxicity.htm (za toxicity)

http://www.monitor.hr/album_tjedna/systemofadown.htm (za steal this album)

http://monitor.hr/album_tjedna/systemofadown_mesmerize.htm (za mezmerize)

http://monitor.hr/album_tjedna/soad_hypnotize.htm (za hypnotize)



pozdrav svima mah

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petak, 22.12.2006.

evo odlucila sam ponovo otvorit blog.... po neznam koji put... evo da vam malo kazem o cemu cu pisat, a o cemu necu...

pisat cu o: grupama koje slusam, koje volim i stujem ( a ako zeli tko da napisem nesto o nekoj grupi, nek kaze, al mora biti rock il metal grupa, a mozda i punk, al nikako nist drugo :) ), al i o brojnim slicnim stvarima (ako imate koje prijedloge, samo naprijed)

necu pisat o: sebi, svom zivotu da se nebi stranica mog bloga nasla u krivim rukama

prvi "pravi" post cu stavit za par dana, samo da malo sredim tekst i slike, al i da nadem neki zanimljiv dizajn

pozdrav svima i nadam se da ce ovaj blog biti rado posjecen..... mah

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